
The Timeless Trials: A Fantasy Romance Special Edition

Created by AC Guess

A Silver Foiled Case Laminate Special Edition. Book One in The Timeless Series - Forbidden Love, Dangerous Trials, Dragons, and Magic

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 08:41:04 AM

Well, this is not exactly the update I've been eager to send you all month, but I need to share where we are at.

I expect we are going to have a delay, despite my best efforts to stay on the production timeline, including paying for upgraded shipping from the factory for faster delivery.

I received notice from the printer that they have finished production of the books. They are gorgeous, but have one major flaw and I'm devastated.

The full page spread printed with a white interior margin, even though the digital proof and blue proof did not indicate any bleed issue or white strip. This is either a printing or binding error on their part, and I am not happy with it. 

I expect them to provide some sort of resolution, and I am asking for them to reprint since this was their error. I do not know what resolution is going to look like, but I want you to know that I am fighting to get the best quality product into your hands. I will provide an update once I have a resolution with them.

This is the finalized product image they sent, with the white strip that did not appear in any proofs:

This is disappointing and I'm really sad that this will likely increase the wait time for your books. I hope you understand and know that I'm trying to get the printer to address this as quickly as possible.

That being said, the rest of the book is gorgeous. They also sent this video, and I'm thrilled with everything else. 

I'll be back soon with an update. 

A.C. Guess

Paperbacks are here!
9 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 02:06:25 PM

The Kickstarter paperbacks just arrived and they are gorgeous! That means I get to start signing, packing, and shipping to my signed paperback tiers. If you ordered an unsigned copy, yours will be coming your way soon too! I'll be submitting those orders today and tomorrow. This is so exciting! I can't wait to start getting the books into your hands.

The special edition is officially in the production stage after a little snag with a new rule that made me panic a bit (government now has to approve all books printed by the specialty printer). But the book was approved so no issues! I got a video of the blue proof which is when they print the book signatures to make sure everything lines up in the proper order for binding, but it is just the interior sample. They said the fully printed book pictures will not be sent until the production process is finished in a few weeks. I am dying to see the completed project as much as you guys are!

Last brilliant friend launched her Kickstarter today and I'll personally vouch for this one. Beautiful story, beautiful world building and characters, and a story that will tear your heart out and piece it back together. I highly recommend checking this one out! 

Paperback proofs are in!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 01:25:37 PM


The paperback proofs came in! I set up an extra special exclusive edition just for my Kickstarter backers. This edition won't be available at retailers. You will be getting the paperback with duplex printed covers featuring some beautiful artwork. This is a special surprise as a thank you for your support. 

I've just placed a large order to fulfill paperback tier backers. If you pledged for paper collectibles, an unsigned paperback, or a signed paperback, please make certain that all of your shipping information is up to date in your Backerkit survey as soon as possible. I'll start shipping the unsigned paperbacks on Monday and the signed ones as soon as they arrive to me. If you want to add or adjust your add ons or survey, now is the time to do that for paperback backers. I'll be locking those surveys and charging cards for any additional add ons selected in Backerkit after the Kickstarter campaign closed.

I'm still waiting on the pictures and video of the special edition hardcover from the specialty printer. They told me they printed it on Wednesday and I've been on pins and needles ever since, waiting to see the first printed copy. Hopefully I'll be back soon with an update including those pictures! They are in progress and I know you are all excited to see them too!

Photo dump incoming:

Progress and Reverse Dust Jacket Art
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 06:03:28 AM

I'm back with a bunch of updates! 

I've been working quietly behind the scenes to get everything together. The holidays slowed down my progress a bit with getting a few of the missing pieces I needed (art work, covers, etc.) but everything is coming together now.

Last month, after a bit of a delay from one of my artists, I got four new art pieces and a map. I was a bit anxious about communication with one of the artists, so I hired my favorite artist to do a backup reverse dust jacket piece for us in case things fell through. Luckily, I did get all of the commissioned pieces from the other artist and the most beautiful piece from my favorite artist that will be used as the reversible dust jacket art. Want to see? 

And here's our beautiful map from Paige Annabentleah!

The other three images will be printed in the book (greyscale for paperbacks and full color for special edition hard covers). They will also be included in the Kickstarter ebook edition. 

Ebooks and Digital Rewards Coming This Week

Speaking of ebooks and digital'll be getting those early! Delivery was estimated for February, but I'm happy to report that my formatter finished the files and they look beautiful! I had a few friends testing the ebook over the weekend to check the quality and make sure there's no issues with it.  Once they give me the green light I'll be sending Bookfunnel ebook links and digital rewards to all backers. I'm expecting you'll have those tomorrow!

Paperback and Special Edition Updates

As far as physical rewards go, all of the swag, art prints, etc. have been ordered and arrived. The only thing missing is the books. 

My intention was to order the special editions by the end of December, but my cover designer needed an extra week for the foiled dust jacket spread due to the holidays. That is the last piece I'm waiting on to be able to place the order with my printer. We are just over a week behind schedule there, but I should be getting the finalized dust jacket in the next couple of days--hopefully today. 

The paperback cover spread was delivered to me on Friday. Everything is processing with my printer and I should be able to order copies within the next three days. Ingramspark's printing and shipping times have been pretty slow since the holidays, so there may be a delay receiving the paperbacks. I want to be able to look over a physical copy to check its quality before I place the larger order to fulfill your rewards. It can take 2-4 weeks to receive the proof and another 2-4 weeks to receive the order. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be on low end of that expected range, but I wanted to be transparent and let you know that it may take a bit longer. I hope you understand my effort to make sure the quality looks good before I place the order to fulfill your rewards. 

That was a lot of info so here's a snapshot of where we're at, what has been accomplished, and what needs to be done! I should have videos and images of the special edition hardcover from my printer in the next update. Can't wait to share!

End Sheet Design and Survey Deadline
11 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 06:03:34 AM

The Timeless Trials is through editing and proofreading and is now off to formatting! 

Just a quick reminder that survey responses are due by December 8th so I can get your names into the acknowledgements. The survey gives you the chance to opt out or write in your desired name. If I don't hear back from you by the deadline, I'll use your Kickstarter name. So far, 77/98 have completed the survey...thank you so much! If you haven't done this yet, your survey is in your email, or you can find it here:  Survey Retrieval 

Waiting on a few more art pieces before I can order the special editions, but should be placing that order by the end of the month. 

Here's a look at the special end sheet design:

See you in the next update!

A.C. Guess