
The Timeless Trials: A Fantasy Romance Special Edition

Created by AC Guess

A Silver Foiled Case Laminate Special Edition. Book One in The Timeless Series - Forbidden Love, Dangerous Trials, Dragons, and Magic

Latest Updates from Our Project:

9 months ago – Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 06:43:34 PM

We did it!

I am jumping up and down in celebration over here :D

With the help of 98 backers, we raised $5,612 for The Timeless Trials campaign. WOW!

This means I get to create the project of my dreams and deliver it to you over the next few months. We unlocked ALL of the stretch goals. All of them, thanks to you! I am thrilled, and I hope you will see how much I appreciate your support in the love and detail that goes into the final products. 

What's next? (Scroll Down for Details)

Kickstarter has collected your pledges and is processing the funding. We did have a few errored pledges, which usually means there is an issue with the card on file (expired, billing details need updating, etc) or your bank simply requires you to verify that this is a legitimate charge. If your pledge did not process, please be sure to check that your billing details are up to date and accurate before Thursday so I can still get you your rewards! 

In about two weeks, I'll be sending out surveys to collect all of the information I need to fulfill the campaign (details like shipping address, what name to use in acknowledgements, etc.)

Above you will see the projected timeline for the fulfillment process. I'll continue to keep you in the loop as we make our way toward those dates.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support throughout the project. I am so grateful to everyone who believed in this campaign and overwhelmed by your support and willingness to take a chance on a debut author. (I'm not crying. Okay, maybe a little.)

If you'd like to follow my journey beyond this Kickstarter as I move into production and fulfillment, or want updates on future releases and future Kickstarter campaigns (expect Book 2 to hit Kickstarter next year), please join me on my socials or sign up for my newsletter!

@acguesswrites (tiktok and instagram)

 Sign Up for My Newsletter 

Suggested Campaign Highlight:

Please considering giving my talented friend, C.A. Varian, a follow for her soon-to-launch Kickstarter campaign. Hazel Watson Mystery Series Special Editions and Book Boxes - A New Orleans-based paranormal mystery series with a splash of romance!

The Home Stretch!
9 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 05:00:40 AM

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind and it's hard to believe we are already nearing the end of the campaign. The final 48 hours are just around the corner and I have some exciting updates to share!

Our sprayed edge design is finished! Etheric Designs did a gorgeous job creating something in line with my vision that tied in some of the symbols you'll see in the book. I love how it turned out! Here's a (sideways) closeup of the design and a mockup of how it will look on the special edition hardbacks of The Timeless Trials. 

Stretch Goals Update: 

We have tentatively unlocked the map and illustration at $4,000 as long as we remain steady with funding fluctuations that can occur!  I already got the ball rolling for the map and should have an update and finished product in one to two weeks. Our additional illustration will be included in the hardcover special edition and shared digitally with all backers. For the illustration, we have a few options: 

  • The last trial (I don't want to give any spoilers away, but I'll say that my beta readers suggested this as a possible illustration)
  • Portrait of Rae at the ball in the horrible hair piece she describes as "a festive bird colliding with the sun." Little excerpt:

The golden plumes she had affixed to the hair above my ears rose straight up to the Fates, forming the great wings of a phoenix. A tribute to my surname, she had said. A golden crown sat between the wings, with ornate spokes that rose from the crest of my head like the sun's rays. Blood-red roses lined the bottom of the crown for additional glamor. My protests had garnered no sympathy from the woman. Instead, Elowynne had resorted to securing the disaster to my head with magic to ensure its permanence. And so we stood, scrutinizing my reflection in the mirror, one of us victorious and the other disgruntled by defeat.

  • Healing a dragon
  • Rae and Alia (her friend)
  • Dragon perched over the clock tower in the main square of Nox (Rae's home district)

I'm leaving it up to you guys to help me pick!

I've also started discussions with @celiaber about the reversible dust jacket artwork. I think she is just as excited to illustrate the scene I described as I am to see a final product. I think that one will be magical. The reversible dust jacket art (like a poster on the back of your dust jacket) unlocks at $4500, and it is going to be beautiful.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Creating this special edition would never have been possible without your support, and it's truly my dream come true. I cannot wait to send the final products to you.

A.C. Guess

Other campaigns to check out!

Sprayed Edge Design!
9 months ago – Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 11:51:06 AM

 A Big Update for Special Editions

I've crunched some numbers and discussed with my designer and wanted to share some big news. I've decided to unlock the sprayed edges early and green light the design process for the edge artwork! As long as our funding remains steady, all of the special edition hardback books will now come with a gorgeous sprayed edge design

I want you to know that I'm fully committed to creating something uniquely beautiful and at this point, every dollar pledged to this project has been reinvested to make the special edition as gorgeous as possible. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Below is the concept art I shared with Etheric Designs, so please note this is not the finalized art. They will be taking my color palette and ideas and turning it into something truly customized and magical. They're scheduled to deliver the design on 11/1, so you should be able to see it before the end of the campaign! I cannot wait to share that with you. 

Stretch Goals Update

We still have so much to look forward to! A custom map, additional illustrations, and the thing I'm most looking forward to--reversible dust jacket art! I can vividly imagine the scene I'd like to commission for that...for now let's just say it has to do with steamy hot springs and snow-covered mountains. Our next goal unlocks at $4,000! 

Illustration Progress

I received an update from the artist working on the Rydar and Rae shadowvein oath illustration and it is really coming along! She's put down the base colors and is working on details, shadows, and lighting at this point. Before I fully reveal the image, I want to give the artist a chance to finish all the details, so I'm partially hiding the progress update behind a frosted glass effect just to give you a little glimpse of the idea. I cannot wait to share the final artwork with you! 

Last Call Collector and Ultimate Boxes

I'm bringing back some flash deals in the Last Call Collector/Ultimate Boxes for the remaining days of the campaign! These boxes are full of goodies and swag and now include an additional vellum insert: Rydar and Rae's Deadly Dance. This illustration is already commissioned but it won't be ready until mid November due to the artist's schedule. I'm sure she will create a gorgeous illustration for us! Important Note: If you got an early bird collector's/ultimate box or a collector's/ultimate box during the campaign, don't'll also be getting the extra vellum insert automatically added to your goodies! I've got you. 

Check the specials out below! If you'd like to upgrade and need help managing your pledge, just shoot me a message and I'll help you walk through the process.

The finish line

I can't believe we are already chugging along toward the final days of our campaign. I'm so thrilled with what we've accomplished and cannot wait to see what we can do in the last week. Please continue to spread the word if you are able to! Every share and dollar pledged gets us a little closer to unlocking the next stretch goal. 

Your support means so much to me. I am just blown away by how far we've already gotten and feel very excited to be on this journey with you. Let's go smash the rest of the campaign! 

Lastly, here's my recent Kickstarter finds!

Celebration Dance!
9 months ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 07:31:54 PM

Flash reward success!

Yay! Technically speaking, we had 49 backers on Friday, but when I woke up Saturday morning we had 50, so it counts! Right? It definitely counts. 

That means I get to commission new art for you and give my backers a prints for everyone and a physical print to any of the first 50 backers who selected a physical tier. I'm always excited for new art and I hope you are too!

Everyone who dropped a comment voted for B (a deadly dance) and I'm happy to share that I have commissioned that illustration from @efa_finearts. We'll be getting that one back in mid November due to her schedule, but I know she's going to do a great job and reward us for our patience.

I also ended up commissioning the shadowvein oath scene from @Celiaber and I'm thrilled with the rough sketch I received from her. I think it is going to be lovely. We should have that completed illustration in about a week and I can't wait to show you!

Stretch Goal Update 

We also hit a new stretch goal at $3000, which means the physical bookmarks are getting a foiled glow-up to match the pretty foiled case laminate. Our next stretch goal unlocks at $3250 and we're almost there! 

If you're really excited about the upcoming stretch goals, there's a few things you can do to help make them happen.

  • Share your excitement for this project with your friends, family, and social network. Word of mouth can have a tremendous impact. With your help, we can get this book all the special features we want. 
  • Check out the special add-ons like the custom enamel pin, paperback, or vellum insert and add it to your rewards.
  • Consider upgrading your reward tier if you've been eyeing the goodies at the next level

No matter what, I'm incredibly grateful and honored that you've chosen to be a part of this journey. Thank you for everything you've already done to get this debut author one step closer to realizing a lifelong dream. When you receive your rewards, I hope my gratitude will shine through as a reflection of the heartfelt care that went into creating something really special for you. 

Until next time,

A.C. Guess 

Quick Poll: For an upcoming stretch goal, would you prefer a new scene illustration or a map? I'd like both, but want to see what is most important to my backers. 

Here are some Kickstarter campaigns that caught my eye this week! Click on the banners to check them out.

Flash Reward and a Poll!
9 months ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 10:36:45 AM

We started off with a bang and we've added bonus content and silver foiling to the case laminate. 

I know everyone loves art so I'm announcing a flash reward!

We currently have 39 backers. If we make it to 50 backers by Friday, I'll add an extra illustrated scene to the book! All backers will receive a digital copy of the art print and the illustration will be included in the E-book and print book. Any of the first 50 backers with physical rewards selected will also receive the illustration as an art print, but only if we hit our goal. Tell your friends and let's get this rolling!

Now the fun part...which illustration would you like to see? Comment below!

A) Rydar and Rae swear a shadowvein oath

B) A Deadly Dance (Rydar and Rae dance together in the magical Sundial Waltz, trying to avoid the runes that come to life and strike down competitors in the trial).

Check out these other Kickstarters that are rocking it!  

 Blood & Scales: Paranormal Fantasy Romance Novel & Art 

 Exclusive Villainous Wonderland Deluxe Edition Hardcovers 

  Special Edition Omnibus Set: Accidental Alien Brides